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Types of metal curtain rods

Types of metal curtain rods

It can be difficult to see your daily life without windows, and in order for the smell to become a suitable color for the place, they need to be properly decorated. It is important to choose fastenings for curtains and tulle in accordance with their main function - to completely control the fabric elements of design, to be able to easily replace the direct signs of the frank, and, of course, - ideally complement the interior of the premises.

Current buyers are incredibly fortunate: the large number of types of cornices allows you to select the most suitable one. How do you decide between the model and the material? To begin with, it is necessary to find out what types of materials are used to make curtain rods. Well, these data are classified as follows:

- for a number of rows: three-, two-, and single-row;

- cut and configuration: string, rod, baguette and profile;

- method of fastening: the baguette is fastened to the wall or ceiling;

- base material: plastic, wood, metal.

On the remaining, metallic appearance of the cornices, the varto is sealed. In the first place, it is necessary to understand that all metals, no wonder, are metallic – no matter aluminum, ferrous metal or any other alloy.

Modern interior designers are constantly creating: a metal cornice “looking like an antique” in the color of blackened gold or antique brass in an ensemble with stylish finials to create a welcoming atmosphere of the past. A modern classic, complemented by stylish furniture, important curtains are in perfect harmony with the steel cornice, decorated with a crystal-like tip. Moreover, the magnificent choice of colors and imitations - brass, steel, chrome, gold - corresponds to the contemporary expansion of possibilities in the most recent interior solutions.

Another handy and functional type of metal cornices is a corrugated profile cornice . This option is ideal not only for windows with non-standard shaped openings, but also for a very stylish bedroom area, living room or any other area. The pliable, soft and light aluminum base bends wonderfully, with which the special fastenings can be reliably removed and light tulle and added to important curtains. A metal cornice can be fastened either to the wall or to the ceiling.

metal cornices

As you have noticed, today there are many models of metal curtain rods available. To avoid being disappointed with your choice and to avoid wasting your pennies, please listen to the recommendations of experts:

- first of all, it is necessary to note that the cornice must act as a valuable interior detail or invisibly cope with the function of removing the curtains;

- if the size of your window does not please you, then cornices, which are even wider than the window, will help to visually expand the window opening. In this case, the width of the curtain fabric and tulle must be selected based on the size of the cornice.

You can buy a short cornice without spending a lot of time searching, and without overpaying, in our store. We can now stock the best products such as light generators for your home and office.

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