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Photo wallpaper from the manufacturer, best quality

We print any image from any picture, from any photo bank, or even a family photo. Production time is 7-10 days, there is a huge selection in our catalog. Discounts from 10 sq.m.

Photo wallpaper (photopanel)Photo wallpaper (photopanel)

Photo wallpaper (photopanel)

They are made on the textures "Canvas" - imitation of the texture of canvas, "Classic" - imitation of sand plaster, "Lin" - texture of woven fabric, "Rime" - woven web, "Oil" - oil painting, "Bamboo" - on a fabric basis, " Reed" - sanded reeds, "Optimal" - structural non-woven wallpaper.

Non-woven photo wallpapers have several types of texture and are completely environmentally friendly material. This option is economical compared to frescoes, and visually practically does not differ from expensive dense frescoes. We print not only what is presented in our catalogs, but we can provide a photo panel with any of your images, or according to any of your sketches. We have many options for any theme (for the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, cafe, and so on), but this is not all we can do. There is also the opportunity to draw or correct the image at will, we have this opportunity because we employ professional artists. Before ordering photo wallpaper, you can use the services of a designer for free, as well as order a preliminary color proof, where the image will be presented in natural colors and at different scales. Photo wallpapers do not fade, fade or deteriorate for a long time, as the quality is guaranteed from the best materials. The main difference from cheap photo wallpapers is that they are also resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture, meaning they can be easily washed and placed on sunny walls. Production time is from 7 to 10 working days, but we usually get it done earlier. We pay special attention to the fact that we have guaranteed discounts for each order over 10 square meters.
  • We are manufacturer's representatives This allows us to keep the lowest prices on the market
  • Delivery in Kiev is absolutely free For orders over UAH 1500, and we will deliver your orders to Ukraine by Nova Poshta, Delivery and Autolux
  • Current promotions and discounts for all customers We love to please our customers with pleasant surprises and maximum discounts
  • Excellent quality of the entire range of products Our online showcase is presented with goods of impeccable original quality
  • Free delivery!
  • Free delivery of your order over 5000 hryvnia
    within a few days. Check the conditions with our managers.
  • Find out all the details

— free of charge

For orders of bulky goods (excluding goods with additional discounts or promotional items)

over UAH 5000, free delivery to Kiev is available. If the order is bulky, then delivery is only paid, and will be from UAH 350.

for orders over UAH 7000. (excluding goods with additional discounts or promotional items) — Chaika, Irpen, Vishnevoe, Borshchagovka, Kryukovshchina, Gatne, Vasylkiv, Vyshhorod, Bortnichi, Boryspil and any other district.

by Nova Poshta or Delivery carriers from UAH 100, and depends on the size of the ordered item.

If you are more comfortable picking up your order yourself, no problem, after placing an order you can come to our address, see and pick up your order.

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